Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Ostia Transfer 14 Week 2

The Vatican, Cold Showers, Zone Conference, and Egyptian Food!

Hey guys! This one is going to be shortish because I’m tired of writing emails! Haha but it was a good week! As I mentioned last week we went to the Vatican on P-Day! It was super cool and there are so many beautiful things! We had a good evening afterwards with some finding!

Tuesday we had District Meeting, our first together! I think it went pretty well, I like having an opportunity to give a Training every week, it’s a lot of fun and you get to help other missionaries! We talked about what a successful missionary is and then about the importance of setting goals and making plans. That afternoon we got the invites for Zone Conference and it was exactly that so I was pretty stoked to have my District Prepared. Anziano Balzotti came and did a bunch of Mr. Fix-it stuff in our apartment. And we had a good evening with English Course. It’s pretty small here but I think we’re going to try and grow it a little bit! We also got to see the broadcast about President Nelson! I’m so excited about the new first Presidency and I know it’s inspired of God! I think President Oaks has a lot to offer and I’m excited to see how it goes! Also our Hot water heater went out Tuesday so we have had cold showers for a week! Which isn’t bad in July but it’s kind of chilly in January! 

Wednesday was kind of a bust, we had planned to go do service for a member who lives forever away and she cancelled on us last minute so we were scrambling to find some stuff to do! We tried to go volunteer at the soup kitchen because they always need help but they had a bus full of High School students so they turned us down so we did some finding and a little weekly Planning and then in the evening some more finding with a lot of no shows for our appointments! 

Thursday we headed into Rome bright and early for our interviews with President and Sister Pickerd, I love seeing them! We turned right around and came back to Ostia, we didn’t really have much planned but we were able to make the best of it! They had train problems so we ended up going back to Rome so we could be at an early leadership meeting! So we got to stay with the missionaries in Rome, Anziano Youngblood and his companion Anziano Young! They’re awesome and we had a lot of fun! 

Friday was Zone Conference! It was a really good conference and we focused so much on the Restoration and how special and important it is. The spirit was so strong and I really got a lot out of it. When we came back we had an appointment with Daniele, we taught him the Restoration and it went so well! Then we went with him to meet our Egyptian friend and they fed us Egyptian food for dinner! It was way good! Most of it at least... there was this knee of some animal that was just straight fat and it was gross but the rice and the meat and everything was so good! 

Saturday was interesting and full of no one showing up to meet us! Kind of a let down but we made it through! We were able to meet this one guy named Massimo. We were going to his address and it was a really nice kind of rich neighborhood and I was really impressed and then we rang his door bell and he came out of this shack with like a garage door and he was in his underwear... that was an interesting lesson! He put pants of Thank God! 

Sunday was hard... apparently half of the ward got sick this week so there were only like 25 people in Church and no one from the bishopric so it was a little bit of a struggle but the spirit was still there and that’s the important thing! We went to this place called Acilia but it got super dark so we came back to the city and did some finding to finish off the night! This member made us some giant meatballs and they were really good! 

Today I was supposed to go to Rome and do Family History but they’re working on the website so we’ve just been chilling here! The people came to look at our hot water heater, they came an hour late and then found that there are some wires burnt but they didn’t bring anything to fix it with so we have to make another appointment! I love showering in a pot... haha but life is good! 

I hope you all have a great week and remember to look for the hand of God in your everyday life, I know it’s there! 

I love you all!

Anziano Bellucci
Missione Italiana di Roma 

PS sorry the email isn’t actually short! Haha Tricked ya!

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